What We Believe; Exposing Easter

What We Believe; Exposing Easter

  Our home is the Church "Jesus Christ", the body of our Holy Savior. We are rooted in the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are standing in God’s vision ( Yah ) for mankind as spoken in time by Jesus Christ our High Priest.
 The forever kingdom of Jesus Christ is established here on this earth. His kingdom stands in glory for all of mankind with the same gifts, ordinances, structure, and faith as at the beginning of the Church of Christ.

 Today Easter Exposed - We must learn what our Heavenly Father has said and is saying.
 Truth is exposed through the heart of this called one, David C. Pack.
 Hundreds of millions observe Easter in honor of Jesus Christ’s Resurrection but is this biblical. We as a true light must learn what our Father has said by His voice. His statements are also recorded in the book called King James Bible.

Divine Lordship is not a threat; rather it’s the place of greatest safety.