"As handmaidens and daughters of Zion, I speak to stir you. What have you brought forth and birthed? That which is born of the spirit is spirit. That which is born of the flesh is flesh. You are bringing forth and birthing for the work of My kingdom, not just a ministry of self. What have you brought forth since it has been due time during the ninth month and the third day?

Where are the spiritual midwives who stand beside the one's birthing? Who is working at My altars? There are those who have miscarried during their first trimester. They called for help but few were willing to hear. They came to the cross but were quickly turned aside not having a firm foundation or true vision. They continued not in spiritual things but sought the things gathered by the flesh, the pride of life, the lust for other things, the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and above all, the will to please only their own self.

Where are those who will sow into the needs of those birthing through financial support? Where
are those who leave to go to those forgotten at their homes to simply share My love?  When one is birthed into the kingdom their must be those set aside to nurture and take part in their earliest developments. Babies in the natural and in the spirit must have care and provision. Mothers need very special care during their preparations to birth. All need My love.

The second trimester is a time for further growth and organ development within the fetus. What have you developed for the benefit of the kingdom? What have you done for the eternal reward? Have you come to maturity and learned how to walk with Me? Have you been sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise? Major organs are strengthened within the second trimester. Do you have all of your abilities to hear The Shepherd and to follow only Him? Have you found Immanuel? He is within you. He is with you. Are you in the destiny I designed for you or have you followed your own will in your life?  Are you praying in the Holy Spirit? Do you will visions and revelations of The LORD? Is your time spent in bringing others My kingdom? Are you studying My words to show your self approved?  What works have you done that will stand eternally to your credit and honor? Have you walked in obedience? What is your vision? Has it been made clear? Where is the strength of joy in your life?  

There are those in the third trimester and they have almost forgotten the joy of birthing because of the hardships they are going through and the cost of that which they have had to pay to walk in obedience with Me. Do you see their progression to success or do you see the formation of My character within them? At what cost has "Christ" been fully formed within you to the maturity of those who will be perfect? (Perfect means maturity.) At what cost has the joy been set aside for the fellowship of suffering? Without the pain, you will not know the joy. Great and mighty are the prayers of those standing by the birthing ones. It is time to pray for the nations and to pray for the opened vessels to go forth in birthing. Where is the heart of your travail? What you are birthing in the spirit will manifest in the natural.
Have you studied your position in the kingdom? What effects do you bring forth, persecution, slander, and mocking as you walk? Or have you settled to be simply patronized and told that you are perfect the way you are, when you know that you are self achieved, self-proclaimed, and self glorified? Have you birthed something real or have you added to the facade' of the traditions of men? Are you free from the rudiments of this world? Are you readied to stand as the warrior and lover I have called you to be?

What has attached itself to your umbilical cord that keeps you from breaking free and growing? I see many who still have their umbilical cords attached to their own will and service to their church, rather than seeking My will and serving Me. At what place of gestation are you? Examine your own self. Ask the hard questions and hold your self accountable. Are you seeking Me diligently? At this stage, you know and understand being born in sin, although that is not a license to justify continuing in sin. Nine months and you are at term. Is this all, you question? Where are the promises? Is this all that there is, nine months, and then birth? What are you “expecting”?  Where are your hopes and faith? It is the third day and the ending of the ninth month, and the world says, you are finished but, many are only almost halfway there.

Consider this, you are not behind if you are overdue. Rejoice! The gestation of The Holy Spirit is not measured in man's timing, but by the gestation of the human heart in holiness. You are not behind when you are birthing that which is really, really, large and miraculous? Birthing is not just measured by human standards. With unity, nations can be birthed. There is birthing and different gestation periods for all life, so I say, don't give up. The final push is not until I say, it is time for the final push. Some of you are bringing forth babies that are larger, more forceful, and of a better covenant. Rejoice that you have endured the last nine months and are still standing within your own destiny. You are in transition.

Feeding the sheep, Church Jesus ChristContinue with encouragement from above, because you will bring forth. It may be that you are bringing forth in the spirit with an elephant's gestation period. Your birthing may be at twenty-two months, it is so large. Some of you are experiencing elephant gestation and though you have tried to push on your own at the ninth month, you have not delivered, because you are bringing forth something in these latter days, something never seen before, the greater works. You may be birthing a nation unto Me through laboring prayer. Be patient. What is before you is really big and will come in due time, as you relax and breathe in Me.
Breathe in Me ... Breathe Me in, and find rest before the birth. You will need much strength to push against the world's way and to birth that which I have placed within you. The vision is enlarged. It is not false labor.

The mission is greater. Breathe. It is time to prepare. It is time to take your positions even if you only stand still for a prayful moment within your place at My timing. Declare it. Take your positions. Times and positions are not assigned by man but, by Me, says the LORD. Those who are last shall become the first, and the first, last. These days are not within the order of men, they are in the order of The Most High God. Breathe and there will be life. Share My word. Breathe, and My people shall be healed. Breathe and new breath will come into your nation. Stand up. The paining will continue, but you can and must deliver My breath to those dying. Breathe and the dry bones will live. Breathe and many will be birthed into My kingdom. Breathe and a sweet song will arise from your lips unto Me. Breathe, some of your ministries will never be seen by the natural eyes of men, but your rewards are eternal.

Breathe, hold it. Breathe, hold it. I will tune you to My heartbeat. You will breathe with Me in oneness. You will know when to step and when not to step. Breathe. I Am the very breath within you. Breathe ... push only against the darkness, and not against each other. Breathe, and I will restore your dead temples and give you pastors of My heart. Breathe ... and you will bring forth that which is holy from the LORD your God. Walk in the Spirit and breathe…
I AM The Breath Of Life".